About the Subject:
Welcome to Rognidan & Vikritivigyan Department. The subject having outmost importance for the sake of academic as well as clinical practice. This subject is allotted to the 3rd year undergraduatestudents. The proforma of UG syllabus is designed as RachanaSharir&KriyaSharir in previous 2 years & in 3rd year VikritiSharir that is Vikritivigyan. Subject corresponds to etiology, sign & symptoms, complication and prevention of diseases. Hence Right Diagnosis can be achieved through differentiating points & Laboratory Investigation . Hence the syllabus includes the basic fundamental knowledge of vikriti, knowledge of different kinds of disease’s according to Ayurveda as well as Modern Science. Subject also incorporates different kinds of diagnostic tools &investigation. Assessment of the knowledge gained by the students is done by conducting theory & practical examination along with Viva.
About The Department:
Department is well facilated& organized having area about 161.99 square meter. It has proper Ventilation & sufficient space for each accommodative faculty. Department includes special museum having various models, different OHP sheets & specimen as well as photographs of diseased patient & X-ray films. Our department having well equipped laboratory with cell counter, semi auto analyzer and all other equipments and chemicals needed for laboratory investigations. Department includes special library consisting of different Samhita’s& Modern science books. Well-designed charts of important concepts are incorporated for the visual impact on students. Departmental Laboratory has separate blackboard & isolated board for PG tutorial room.As per safety aspect department has two fire extinguishers.
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